Flower & Leaf Names
List of flowers and
plants mostly used by florists in Europe, all in four languages: Latin, English, Italian and Polish. Some
post might be written in Italian, so that can be a kind of guide. I will
be updating it continously, as the list of the materials is quite
long. Please correct if there are any mistakes in local names or if I
miss anything.
Flower & Leaf Names:
Latino / English / Italiano / Polski
Flowers A:
Aconitum / Monkshood / Aconitum / Tojad
Agapanthus / Agapanthus / Agapanthus / Agapant
Allium / Allium / Allium / Allium
Alpinia / Ginger / Alpinia / Dżindżer
Alstromeria / Peruvian Lilly / Alstromeria / Alstromeria
Amaranthus / Amaranth / Amaranto / Szarłat
Anemone / Anemone / Anemone / Anemon
Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos
Antirrhinum / Snapdragon / Bocca di Leone / Lwia Paszcza
Aster / Aster / Aster / Aster
Astrantia / Astrantia / Astrantia / Jarzmianka
Flowers B:
Bouvardia / Bouvardia / Fiore d'Arancio / Bowardia
Brunia / Brunia / Brunia / Brunia
Flowers C:
Calla / Calla / Calla / Kalla
Campanula / Campanula / Campanula / Dzwonek
Celosia / Celosia / Celosia / Celozja
Chamelaucium / Waxflower / Waxflower / Waxflower
Chrysanthemum / Chrysanthemum / Chrysanthemum / Chryzantema
Coquinho / Queen Palm / Syagrus Romanzoffiana / Plama Królowej
Convallaria / Lilly of the Valley / Mughetto / Konwalja
Curcuma / Curcuma / Curcuma / Kurkuma
Cymbidium /Cymbidium / Cymbidium / Cymbidium
Flowers D:
Dahlia / Dahlia / Dalia / Dalia
Delphinium / Delphinium / Delphinium / Ostróżka
Dendrobium / Dendrobium / Dendrobium / Dendrobium
Dianthus / Carnation / Garofano / Goździk
Flowers E:
Euphorbia Pulcherrimia / Poinsettia / Stella di Natale / Gwiazda Betlejemska
Eustoma / Eustoma / Lisianthus / Eustoma
Eryngium / Eryngium / Cardo / Oset
Flowers F:
Freesia / Freesia / Freesia / Frezja
Flowers G:
Gentiana / Gentiana / Gentiana / Gentiana
Gladiolus / Sword Lily / Gladiolo / Gladiola (Mieczyk)
Gloriosa / Gloriosa / Gloriosa / Gloriosa
Gypsophila / Gypsophila / Nebbiolina / Gipsówka
Flowers H:
Heliconia / Heliconia / Heliconia / Helikonia
Hippeastrum / Amaryllis / Amaryllis / Amarylis
Hyacinthus / Hyacinth / Giacinto / Hiacynt
Hydrangea / Hortensia / Ortensia / Hortensja
Hypericum / Hypericum / Hypericum / Dziurawiec
Flowers I:
Iris / Iris / Iris / Irys
Flowers L:
Lathyrus / Sweet Peas / Cicerchia / Groszek Pachnący
Lavandula / Lavender / Lavanda / Lawenda
Leucospermum /Leucospermum /Leucospermum /Leucospermum
Liatris / Blazing-Star / Liatris / Liatra
Lilium / Lily / Lilium / Lilia
Limonium / Limonium / Limonium / Zatrwian
Lupinus / Lupins / Lupinus / łubin
Flowers M:
Matthiola / Matthiola / Mattiola / Lewkonia
Molucella / Molucella / Molucella / Molucella
Flowers N:
Narcissus / Narcissus / Narciso / Narcyz
Nerine / Nerine / Nerine / Nerine
Nigellla / Nigella / Nigella / Czrnuszka
Flowers O:
Oncidium / Oncidium / Oncidium / Oncidium
Ornithogalum / Ornithogalum / Ornitogallo / Ornitogalum
Flowers P:
Paeonia / Peony / Peonia / Piwonia
Papaver / Papaver / Papavero / Mak
Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis
Polianthes / Tuberose / Tuberosa / Tuberoza
Protea / Protea / Protea / Protea
Flowers R:
Ranunculus / Buttercup / Ranuncolo / Jaskier
Rosa / Rose / Rosa / Róża
Flowers S:
Skimmia / Skimmia / Skimmia / Skimmia
Solidago / Goldenrod / Pioggia / Nawłoć
Strelitzia / Strelizia / Sterlizia / Strelicja
Flowers T:
Trachelium / Trachelium / Trachelium / Trachelium
Tulipa / Tulip / Tulipano / Tulipan
Flowers V:
Vanda / Vanda / Vanda / Vanda
Veronica / Veronica / Veronica / Przetacznik
Viburnum / Viburnum / Viburno / Kalina
Flowers Z:
Zantedeschia / Zantedeschia / Calla / Cantedeskia
Schinus molle / Peruvian Pepper, American Pepper, Escobilla, False Pepper, Molle del Peru, Pirul, Peruvian mastic/ Pepe Rosa, Falso Pepe /
Pipper Nigrum / Green Pepper / Pepe Verde / Pieprz Zielony
Brunia / Brunia / Brunia / Brunia
Chinese Willow / Nocciolo / Wierzba Mandżurska
Aspidistra / Aspidistra / Aspidistra / Aspidistra
Aralia / Aralia / Aralia / Aralia
Calathea / Calathea / Calathea / Kalatea
China Grass / China Grass / China Grass / China Grass
Galax / Galax / Galax / Galax
Moss / Muschio / Mech
Monstera / Monstera / Monstera / Monstera
Pittosporum / Pittosporum / Pitosforo / Pittosporum
Philodendron / Philodendron / Filodendron / Filodendron
Pteridophyta / Fern / Felce / Paproć
Ruscus aculeatus / Ruscus / Ruscus / Myszopłoch Kolczasty, Ruszczyk Kolczasty
Salal / Salal / Salal / Salal
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii / Steel Grass / Steel Grass / Żółtak
Flower & Leaf Names:
Latino / English / Italiano / Polski
Flowers A:
Aconitum / Monkshood / Aconitum / Tojad
Agapanthus / Agapanthus / Agapanthus / Agapant
Allium / Allium / Allium / Allium
Alpinia / Ginger / Alpinia / Dżindżer
Alstromeria / Peruvian Lilly / Alstromeria / Alstromeria
Amaranthus / Amaranth / Amaranto / Szarłat
Anemone / Anemone / Anemone / Anemon

Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos / Anigozanthos
Antirrhinum / Snapdragon / Bocca di Leone / Lwia Paszcza
Aster / Aster / Aster / Aster
Astrantia / Astrantia / Astrantia / Jarzmianka
Flowers B:
Bouvardia / Bouvardia / Fiore d'Arancio / Bowardia
Brunia / Brunia / Brunia / Brunia
Flowers C:
Calla / Calla / Calla / Kalla
Campanula / Campanula / Campanula / Dzwonek
Celosia / Celosia / Celosia / Celozja
Chamelaucium / Waxflower / Waxflower / Waxflower
Chrysanthemum / Chrysanthemum / Chrysanthemum / Chryzantema
Coquinho / Queen Palm / Syagrus Romanzoffiana / Plama Królowej
Convallaria / Lilly of the Valley / Mughetto / Konwalja
Curcuma / Curcuma / Curcuma / Kurkuma
Cymbidium /Cymbidium / Cymbidium / Cymbidium
Flowers D:
Dahlia / Dahlia / Dalia / Dalia
Delphinium / Delphinium / Delphinium / Ostróżka
Dendrobium / Dendrobium / Dendrobium / Dendrobium
Dianthus / Carnation / Garofano / Goździk
Flowers E:
Euphorbia Pulcherrimia / Poinsettia / Stella di Natale / Gwiazda Betlejemska
Eustoma / Eustoma / Lisianthus / Eustoma
Eryngium / Eryngium / Cardo / Oset
Flowers F:
Freesia / Freesia / Freesia / Frezja
Flowers G:
Gentiana / Gentiana / Gentiana / Gentiana
Gladiolus / Sword Lily / Gladiolo / Gladiola (Mieczyk)
Gloriosa / Gloriosa / Gloriosa / Gloriosa
Gypsophila / Gypsophila / Nebbiolina / Gipsówka
Flowers H:
Heliconia / Heliconia / Heliconia / Helikonia
Hippeastrum / Amaryllis / Amaryllis / Amarylis
Hyacinthus / Hyacinth / Giacinto / Hiacynt
Hydrangea / Hortensia / Ortensia / Hortensja
Hypericum / Hypericum / Hypericum / Dziurawiec
Flowers I:
Iris / Iris / Iris / Irys
Flowers L:
Lathyrus / Sweet Peas / Cicerchia / Groszek Pachnący
Lavandula / Lavender / Lavanda / Lawenda
Leucospermum /Leucospermum /Leucospermum /Leucospermum
Liatris / Blazing-Star / Liatris / Liatra
Lilium / Lily / Lilium / Lilia
Limonium / Limonium / Limonium / Zatrwian
Lupinus / Lupins / Lupinus / łubin
Flowers M:
Matthiola / Matthiola / Mattiola / Lewkonia
Molucella / Molucella / Molucella / Molucella
Flowers N:
Narcissus / Narcissus / Narciso / Narcyz
Nerine / Nerine / Nerine / Nerine
Nigellla / Nigella / Nigella / Czrnuszka
Flowers O:
Oncidium / Oncidium / Oncidium / Oncidium
Ornithogalum / Ornithogalum / Ornitogallo / Ornitogalum
Flowers P:
Paeonia / Peony / Peonia / Piwonia
Papaver / Papaver / Papavero / Mak
Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis / Phalaenopsis
Polianthes / Tuberose / Tuberosa / Tuberoza
Protea / Protea / Protea / Protea
Flowers R:
Ranunculus / Buttercup / Ranuncolo / Jaskier
Rosa / Rose / Rosa / Róża
Flowers S:
Skimmia / Skimmia / Skimmia / Skimmia
Solidago / Goldenrod / Pioggia / Nawłoć
Strelitzia / Strelizia / Sterlizia / Strelicja
Flowers T:
Trachelium / Trachelium / Trachelium / Trachelium
Tulipa / Tulip / Tulipano / Tulipan
Flowers V:
Vanda / Vanda / Vanda / Vanda
Veronica / Veronica / Veronica / Przetacznik
Viburnum / Viburnum / Viburno / Kalina
Flowers Z:
Zantedeschia / Zantedeschia / Calla / Cantedeskia
Schinus molle / Peruvian Pepper, American Pepper, Escobilla, False Pepper, Molle del Peru, Pirul, Peruvian mastic/ Pepe Rosa, Falso Pepe /
Pipper Nigrum / Green Pepper / Pepe Verde / Pieprz Zielony
Brunia / Brunia / Brunia / Brunia
Chinese Willow / Nocciolo / Wierzba Mandżurska
Aspidistra / Aspidistra / Aspidistra / Aspidistra
Aralia / Aralia / Aralia / Aralia
Calathea / Calathea / Calathea / Kalatea
China Grass / China Grass / China Grass / China Grass
Galax / Galax / Galax / Galax
Moss / Muschio / Mech
Monstera / Monstera / Monstera / Monstera
Pittosporum / Pittosporum / Pitosforo / Pittosporum
Philodendron / Philodendron / Filodendron / Filodendron
Pteridophyta / Fern / Felce / Paproć
Ruscus aculeatus / Ruscus / Ruscus / Myszopłoch Kolczasty, Ruszczyk Kolczasty
Salal / Salal / Salal / Salal
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii / Steel Grass / Steel Grass / Żółtak
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